There are 10 new positive COVID-19 cases in Saline County.
According to the Saline County Health Department, the total for the county is now 460, with 84 cases currently active. There are 367 people who have recovered, and a total of 9 deaths.
Salina Regional Health Center reports that they have 5 hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
The Saline County Health Officer has been working closely with the Saline County School Districts to develop a decision matrix. This is a tool that is to be used by School Districts in conjunction with the Saline County Health Officer to help determine the best learning mode based on the impact of COVID-19 in the Community and in the individual School District. To see the matrix, visit
According to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, there are now 41,048 cases and 443 deaths statewide. This information can be found at
Here is what you can do to help us to stop the spread:
- Stay home if you’re sick
- Wear masks in public spaces both indoor and outdoor as required by City Ordinance and County Resolution
- Maximize physical distance (6 feet or more) in public settings
- Avoid socializing with large groups
- High-risk individuals should only leave the house for essential needs
- Wash your hands frequently