2 Kansas universities give campus sex-offender lists online

While two universities in Kansas provide online lists of registered sex offenders enrolled or employed on campus, most require that the basic information be provided directly by campus police.

Of the state’s six state universities, only Kansas State and the University of Kansas make the information readily accessible online, according to their websites. Only Kansas State includes the mugshots with the list.

The Wichita Eagle reports (http://bit.ly/1PbA1iu) that at Wichita State, Emporia State, Fort Hays State and Pittsburg State universities, the schools’ websites direct people to the campus police stations to get the list. To see a mugshot of the offender, a person would have to go to the state’s online public offender registry kept by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

Information from: The Wichita (Kan.) Eagle, http://www.kansas.com.