Early Bird registration is still available for the upcoming 2016 Sunflower Fair coming up Tuesday, September 20th at the Bicentennial Center.
“It’s one day, great lunch all kinds of workshops and fun,” said Julie Govet Walker Executive Director of the North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging.
Walker joined in during the KSAL Morning News Wednesday with a look at the numerous workshops offered to help educate the public on a range of issues.
“It’s great information for seniors for caregivers, for all people who plan to celebrate a lot more happy birthdays.”
Attendees will have an opportunity to hear a presentation from Keynote speaker, Robert Blancato who is the Chairman of the Board of the American Society on Aging as well as a closing address from Julian Gonzalez, a Detroit Free Press Photographer.
Early Bird registration is $20 if paid by September 11, or $25 after September 11 or at the door. Call 800-432-2703 to register. The day also includes an Antique Tractor Show on the west parking lot, flu shots and Kansas Lions Mobile Screening unit.
2016 Sunflower Fair – Good Vibrations!
Morning Workshops: 10:20 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Pick one. Most workshops repeat in afternoon
Afternoon Workshops 1:30 p.m. – 2:25 p.m. Pick one. Most workshops repeat from morning
1. Morning Talk Show: How to Recognize and Prevent Strokes. (Morning Only) – Speakers from Salina Regional Health Center to be announced.
2. Veterans Benefits – Bring your questions! Shawn Martin from Manhattan’s branch of the U.S. Veterans Affairs Office will help you connect to benefits and services.
3. PayDay Loans and Reverse Mortgages – Paul Shipp with Kansas Legal Services will arm you with information so you can make smart choices.
4. Better Hearing For Good Vibrations – (Morning only) – We are frequently advised to ‘get hearing aids’, when in fact hearing aids may not be the entire answer. Dr. Ray Hull has many suggestions to help you.
5. Mind Your Money! – (Afternoon only) Avoiding investment fraud sometimes means recognizing you or your older relative needs help with finances. Shannon Stone, Director of Investor Education with the Office of the Kansas Securities Commissioner will help you learn what to do about a sensitive subject.
6. Good Food for Good Living! – Featuring a healthy breakfast and snacks prepared by Chef Max Holthaus thanks to our friends at EVCO Foods.
7. Civil Discourse, Of Course! – Morning session focus on facilitating discussions about controversial topics in a civil way; Afternoon session focus on tools for leading meetings when topics are divisive.