2018 Kansas BOR Enrollment Numbers Released

The Kansas Board of Regents released preliminary figures that show a slight increase at state universities and a small decrease in systemwide enrollment of full-time equivalent students.

Fort Hays State saw the largest increase of students, while K-State and Wichita State saw a slight increase to both of its enrollment numbers. KU had a slight decrease in its enrollment from 2017 to 2018.

2018 Kansas Board of Regents Enrollment:

Institution Fall 2018 FT Enrollment Difference from 2017 Percent from 2017
Emporia State University 4,493 25 0.57
Fort Hays State University 9,473 190 2.05
Kansas State University 18,824 102 0.54
Pittsburg State University 5,988 -248 -3.98
University of Kansas 24,246 -151 -0.62
Wichita State University 11,285 176 1.58
University Total 74,308 95 0.13

Credit: KSN News