Three out of every ten households in Kansas have not self-responded to the 2020 Census and time is running out to respond. The census is scheduled to end September 30th.
What does that mean for local communities? An undercount could result in losing federal funding for programs like schools, parks, roads, emergency programs, meal programs, and so much more. Kansas receives more than $6 billion every year for federally funded programs. Census counts also determine boundaries for federal, state, and local districts.
It’s almost over but we still have yet to reach a complete count. Every uncounted person costs the state of Kansas approximately $2,082 in federal funding every year for 10 years. That’s over $20,000 per person.
It is not too late to encourage anyone who has not completed the 2020 Census (30.9% of Kansans) to fill it out the form today online (, by phone (844-330-2020), or mailing in the form. It only takes five minutes, but the results will impact the state of Kansas and your community for the next ten years.
For more information about the 2020 Census visit or contact Wendi Stark, Census Outreach Manager with the League of Kansas Municipalities, at 785-409-9868 or [email protected]. Wendi can share how an undercount can directly affect your community and what your community is at risk of losing if residents are not counted by September 30th.