Grab your bow and a quiver full of arrows, it’s time to head down to Lindsborg for the 2014 3-D Archery Competition at Smoky Valley Shooting Sports.
Mike Pollard with Rinehart Targets travels the country with his cast of characters and a love for what he’s doing, “It’s archery, it’s a chance to win prizes and a chance to shoot everything from a dinosaur to a deer,” he said.
Pollard and Brandon Buldra with Smoky Valley Archers stopped in on the KSAL Morning News Friday with a look at some of the finer points of archery.
Buldra says the sport continues to grow as the technology of bows stays on the cutting edge, “The average guy that’s into archery is buying a new bow every 3 to 5-years because technology is changing that fast.” he said.
Organizers promise two days of fun for the entire family on Saturday, March 29th and Sunday, March 30th just south of Lindsborg.
Registration begins both days at 7:30am.