34th Salina Toy Run Sunday

Hundreds of bikers with big hearts will be on a mission roaring across Salina this weekend, delivering toys.

For the 34th year in a row the Salina Toy Run will provide hundreds of toys to needy children. Toys collected during the Salina event will be donated to Ashby House and Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas.

Though all of the motorcycle riders and their passengers will dress for the weather, many will also be colorfully dressed for the season. Each will also have a toy.

The gathering will depart from the Central Mall parking lot at 2:00 Sunday afternoon. After parading across and around town, the procession will stop at the Tony’s Pizza Events Center to drop off toys.

Participants are asked to social distance and please wear masks.

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2020 Salina Toy Run Route:

  1. From Central Mall North on 9th Street to Elm Street
  2. East on Elm Street to Santa Fe
  3. South on Santa Fe Crawford
  4. East on Crawford to Ohio
  5. North on Ohio to The Midway
  6. West on The Midway to the Tony’s Pizza Events Center