Indian Center Plans Exhibit On Sacred Feathers

An upcoming exhibit at The Mid-America All-Indian Center will feature bird feathers and feathered objects dating from the mid-1880s to 1900s.

The exhibit called “Carry Our Prayers to Heaven” will open Saturday and remain on display through the end of the year at the facility in Wichita. Saturday’s opening is marked with a $1 admission for all ages from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Opening-day activities include a free presentation at 1 p.m. by Ken Lockwood from the Eagle Valley Raptor Center with live birds of prey.

Visitors will be able to see displays of bird feathers along with headdresses and fans. Museumgoers can also view microscopic images of feathers at a feather learning station. Also on display are golden eagle photographs by nature photographer Bob Gress.