Coming back to lend a hand is what some students are doing after graduating from the Xcel After-School Program – and to encourage kids who are currently signed up.
“Two of the boys from our very first group in 2008 always wanted to tinker with things and program and now they’ve come back to help,” said Tina Bulleigh, After-School Program Director at The City.
Now former students, Brandon and Brad Sanders are giving back by designing and maintaining the organizations web site.
“They’re also coming back and working on our Friday and Saturday nights as well giving back to the youth that are there.”
Bulleigh joined in on the KSAL Morning News Tuesday with a look at the teen center that opened in 2000 that has a host of activities for middle school students on Friday nights and events for high school students on Saturdays.
Teens can choose to play basketball, shoot pool or play a variety of video games in a safe environment.
According to Bulleigh, Xcel is a seven year program that works with a select group of students from the sixth grade through high school graduation.
A former classroom teacher, Bulleigh says she enjoys the extended window of time the program allows to connect with the students.
“That beauty of being able to watch them grow over the seven year process is just such an exciting opportunity to watch them mature,” she said.