A couple of more road construction projects beginning on Monday will impact traffic in Salina.
On Monday the City of Salina Department of Public Works will begin repairing traffic signals located at the intersection of Iron Avenue and Fifth Street. The intersection will be a four-way stop during the repairs which are expected to take two to three days, weather permitting.
Also beginning Monday, Ninth Street at Pine Street will be closed for railroad crossing repairs. The work is expected to be completed by Thursday.
An asphalt project that began Friday will last into this week.
Ohio Street: McAdams Road to Faith Avenue 9/5 – 9/10
Ohio Street: Iron Avenue to Elm Street 9/5 – 9/10
Lakewood Park: 9/5 – 9/1
On Friday, September 5, APAC-Kansas Inc., Shears Division, started milling and inlaying the streets according to the schedule given above.
Ohio Street will be constructed allowing through traffic on alternating lanes. Generally, the outside lanes are milled and resurfaced first with traffic on the inside lanes, thereafter traffic is switched to the outside lanes while the inside lanes are resurfaced.
This project is a major component of the 2014 Street Maintenance Program. The project consists of approximately 6.0 miles of milling the existing asphalt street surface 1.5” deep, and then resurfacing it with new asphalt to rehabilitate and preserve the pavement section. Permanent pavement markings will be placed shortly after resurfacing is complete.
As with any street project, there will be some inconvenience to the public. Traffic flow within the work zone will be restricted during working hours, and detour signage and flaggers should be expected. Access to local businesses and homes will be maintained. However, motorists should be prepared for minor delays. Residences and businesses will be notified if access to driveways will be restricted while work is performed. On-street parking in work zones will be prohibited. Any vehicles or equipment left on the street the day work is scheduled may be towed at the owners expense.
Motorists should be prepared for minor delays and should find an alternate route while work is being performed.