With weather forecasts for winter conditions possible late Wednesday evening (December 21) and into Thursday (December 22), the City of Salina is making preparations to pre-treat roadways with salt and Magnesium Chloride brine (MgCl2), treat initial accumulations of snow with salt and MgCl2, and if necessary plow roadways.
According to the City, salt spreaders will be loaded Wednesday and ready to treat roadways either late Wednesday evening or early Thursday as roadway conditions merit. Crews are divided into day and night shifts to allow continuous 24-hour operations.
If snow accumulations are greater than 1.5” in depth, all arterial and collector streets will be plowed. If accumulations exceed 2” in depth, snow will be plowed in residential areas once arterial and collector streets have been plowed. High winds and extreme wind chill temperatures are expected which may prolong the street clearing operations.
The public is asked to minimize travel during snow storms as much as possible. If travel is necessary, please be sure to clear your vehicle’s windshield and windows to improve visibility and your roof to reduce the amount of blowing snow for other motorists. Please allow extra stopping distance at intersections or between vehicles on the roadway.
The public is asked to also allow ample space when approaching snow removal equipment from behind, as the equipment will be distributing salt, which may cause limited visibility as snow is being removed from the roadway. Driving too closely to snow removal equipment could also present additional challenges and safety concerns for operators and other motorists.