Independent candidate for U.S. Senate Greg Orman says a Republican accusation that he called former Kansas Sen. Bob Dole a “clown” is a distortion of his words.
Orman is in a tight race with three-term Republican Sen. Pat Roberts, who was traveling Friday with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Dole.
Asked about a potential Republican organizational edge in the tight Senate race, Orman said Friday: “It sort of seems like a Washington establishment clown car to me. Every day a new person comes out of that car.”
Roberts’ campaign released a statement calling Orman’s comment “personal attacks and disdain for Senator Dole.”
Orman says he is “outraged” and calls Roberts’ claim “distorting my words.” Orman said Saturday that Dole is “a great example of bipartisanship.”