Bethany Planning 24-Hour Theatre Event

Bethany College is planning a unique, 24-hour theatre event this spring.

According to the school, six brand new short plays written, rehearsed and performed in just 24-hours might sound impossible, crazy perhaps, but it has been done, across the country, since 1995. On May 1-2, Bethany College will do it, at its first ever 24-Hour Play Fest.

The Bethany College theatre department is looking for six playwrights, a group of dedicated and daring actors, directors and technicians to come together for the event that will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 1 and end with performances of all six plays on Saturday, May 2 at 7:30 p.m.

On Friday all participants will gather to review the rules of the game and the playwrights will receive a prompt, a prop and one line to begin writing their original 10 to 15 minute play, which will be written over the next 12 hours.
Writing will stop at 7:30 a.m. Saturday at which time directors and stage mangers will take over to begin producing the play. Actors will receive scripts at 8:30 a.m., begin rehearsing, and lights will go up at 7:30 p.m. on the six new plays. Time commitments for each participant will varying according to their role in the event.

Applications for playwrights and actors and more information about the Bethany 24-Hour Play Fest can be found on the Bethany College website: or by contacting Bethany College Professor Greg LeGault, chair of the theatre department, at [email protected] by February 13.