Sleight of Hand Thieves Victimize Elderly Man

Authorities are searching for a couple of pickpockets who allegedly stole a Salina man’s financial card.

Police Captain Jim Feldman tells KSAL News that a Hispanic male and a female approached a 71-year-old man just inside Walmart on Sunday afternoon to set up their scheme.

Police say the two told him he had dropped a $20 bill and they wanted to return it. When the victim paused to reflect on if he was carrying any cash the two swindlers insisted he pull out his wallet to check.

The male suspect then reached forward to place the money into the victim’s wallet – and they left. About 2 hours later the victim’s bank contacted him and let him know his card was used across the street at Sam’s Club to purchase $2,000 in jewelry.  The card was later tried and denied in Wichita.

Police describe the suspects as a 6-foot-1 heavy set Hispanic man and a Hispanic woman in a flower dress. Both suspects are in their 40’s.

The victim told police he discovered later the thief also took back the $20 bill from his wallet during the sleight of hand transaction.