An enthusiastic crowd gathered Saturday morning to bid on a wide variety of items that included among other things services, romantic getaways, celebrity items and recreation packages. For the 26th year in a row, Child Advocacy and Parenting Services, or CAPS, hosted a celebrity benefit auction.
The bidding was fast and furious, with some items selling for a few dollars and others for thousands of dollars.
CAPS Interim Executive Director Carmen San Martin tells KSAL News that by Saturday evening $84,583.50 was collected. The “Fund a Need” item in support of the Child Advocacy Center brought in the most money, $11,943.
According to auctioneer Eric Blomquist, the live auctio was the highest he has ever done, bringing in $55,045.50.
The auction is the single largest fund-raising event of the year for Child Advocacy and Parenting Services.