Donors “Doubled the Impact”

This summer, the Post Rock Community Foundation was given a wonderful opportunity to “Double the Impact” on all gifts to the Post Rock Community Action Fund. This is an unrestricted grant fund which supports all of Lincoln County and the communities served by USD #298 and #299. The second chance match was added to match month donations from February.

During February’s match month, the Dane G. Hansen Foundation generously matched gifts up to $50,000 with a 200% match. Later, the Patterson Family Foundation announced a 100% match on donations up to $70,000. Donations in February totaled $56,680. After that, the challenge was on to meet the rest of the Patterson match, and the Patterson Family Foundation generously allowed the PRCF a second chance to meet the $70,000 goal.

In late July through the third week of August, donors gave a total of $14,430 as part of the “Double the Impact” initiative, allowing the PRCF to realize the full match offered by the Patterson Family Foundation. In all, $71,110 was contributed to the Post Rock Community Action Fund during matching campaigns in 2024. With the matching funds offered from the Dane G. Hansen and Patterson Family Foundations, the total community impact was just short of a quarter of a million dollars, with the final total at $241,110.

“The Post Rock Community Foundation would like to express our deepest appreciation to the Patterson Family Foundation, the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, and all donors who gave to one or both campaigns in 2024,” PRCF board chair John Baetz said. “At the root of all we do is family. Our families in the Post Rock area benefit from grant projects now, and donations are growing funds for grant projects in the future. Together, we are making a difference in the Post Rock area.”

The Post Rock Community Foundation fall grant period ends October 1st. Non-profit leaders seeking
funding for local initiatives can apply for PRCF grants online at by clicking on the Grants

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About Post Rock Community Foundation
Since 2010, the Post Rock Community Foundation has been connecting donors with philanthropic causes they love.
As an affiliate of the Greater Salina Community Foundation, PRCF is proud to serve the communities of Lincoln
County and those served by USD 298 and USD 299. For more information, visit