“Operation Clear Track” Underway

This week through Sunday the Kansas Highway Patrol is partnering with Operation LifeSaver, Amtrak Police, and hundreds of local, state, federal and railroad law enforcement departments for “See Tracks? Think Train Week”. The KHP will be participating in “Operation Clear Track,” alongside fellow law enforcement and first responders, to raise awareness and enforce railroad grade crossing and trespassing laws nationwide.

According to the KHP, the goal is to reduce pedestrian and driver injuries and fatalities around railroad tracks. Law enforcement will be stationed at targeted railroad grade crossings, handing out railroad safety cards to motorists and pedestrians and issuing warnings and citations to violators.

Federal statistics show that every three hours in the United States, a person or vehicle is hit by a train. “Operation Clear Track” is an effort by Operation Lifesaver Inc., Amtrak Police and law enforcement partners nationwide to raise awareness and strengthen rail safety in communities across the country.

“Operation Clear Track” is the largest single law enforcement railroad safety operation in the U.S.

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Photo by Kyle Larivee on Unsplash