Headless Horseman in Lindsborg

When Adam Pracht first started at the Lindsborg Old Mill and Swedish Heritage Museum, one of the events he heard about the most were people’s memories of performances of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” on the museum’s Heritage Square.

The museum had co-sponsored it in cooperation with the community’s Broadway RFD theater troupe.

“So many people spoke about it in such glowing terms that I assumed it was a decades-long tradition,” Pracht said. “Then I learned it was a handful of performances about a decade ago, which surprised me. I thought that if those few performances left such an impression on the community, we needed to look into bringing it back as a consistent show.”

Pracht started talking with Molly Johnson, who took the proposal to the rest of Broadway RFD’s Board of Directors, and they approved bringing back the “Sleepy Hollow” performances. Once the show was approved, Lindsborg native Addison Haiden was brought on as director.

“I wanted to challenge myself and direct a show that was different from the summer main stage production,” she said. “The immersive aspect of ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ really drew me in and eventually led to me directing the show.”

This time, part of the proposal to keep it going in the future was to put on the production only in October of even-numbered years. This way, the spooky play wouldn’t be competing with the long and popular tradition of Svensk Hyllningsfest (Swedish celebration festival) held in October of odd-numbered years.

Scheduled for 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. on October 10, 11, and 12 (with a bonus midnight performance starting at 11:15 p.m. on October 12), tickets are limited to just 25 individuals per showtime, so those wanting to see this unique performance are encouraged to reserve their tickets at www.broadwayrfd.org. The audience limits for reasons of space limitations will mean no more than 175 people will get to see this unique production in 2024.

Recommended donations for admission are $10 per adult and $5 per student. If space remains, admission can also be obtained at the gate before showtime.

The spooky classic story by Washington Irving and adapted for the stage by Kathryn Schultz Miller will be presented in a progressive roving theatre style in which the audience moves with the actors from scene to scene around Heritage Square at the Museum.

This storybook tale, with all its thrills and chills, revolves around the bumbling schoolteacher Ichabod, the coquettish Katrina, and Ichabod’s brutish rival, Brom Bones, and – saving the best for last – the ride of the headless horseman! In this production, the largely outdoor setting will mean the timeless character will arrive on actual horseback for the show’s dramatic climax.

Refreshments will also be available for purchase, including hot drinks should an evening turn chilly.

Haiden said people should come to see an enjoyable performance and to support local theatre.

“Please come out and support the cast,” she said. “They have put so much hard work into this production!”

Cast for the production is:

Ichabod Crane – Adam Pracht
Katrina – Rebecca Sawyer
Brom Bones – Michael McQuilliam
Washington & Others – Bill Olson
Irving & Others – Tony Robb
Peter & Others – Isaac Garretson
Emily & Others – Robin Dutton
Charlotte & Others – Arabia Albert
Judith & Others – Angela Woods
Headless Horseman – Madison Repp

All cast members are from Lindsborg, with the exception of Arabia Albert, who commutes for 45 minutes from Lyons, Kansas for rehearsals.

Crew and Creative Team includes:

Director – Addison Haiden
Set Design and Lights – Adam Pracht and Addison Haiden
Props – Robin Dutton and Addison Haiden
Costumes – Beth Olson and Addison Haiden
Sound Design – Addison Haiden
Sound Technician – Alaina Woods
Audience Guide – John Woods
Concession Stand Helpers – The Johnson Family

Broadway RFD and the museum offer special thanks to the Broadway RFD Board of Directors and the families of the actors and technicians.