Four charitable projects received greater visibility and a chance to directly compete for grassroots funding at a first-ever event in Salina. The Konza Seeds microfunding event was held at the Salina Art Center Warehouse.
Organized by Konza Club Salina, the Leadership Salina alumni organization, Konza Seeds vetted applications from both established and brand-new charitable entities, selecting four to make mini-presentations of five minutes each at the “eat and vote” event.
Over 45 civic and business leaders paid $12 to attend, and enjoy a simple supper from Martinelli’s, as they cast their vote for their favorite presenting charity.
The four participating charities were:
- Eric and Janie Ford, anti human-trafficking awareness for local victims or survivors
- Jenny David Redmond, Silver Linings Healing Arts (art-therapy workshops for patients and caregivers)
- Bonnie Barrett and Mary Landes, Stay Positive, Keep Fit (new YMCA yoga class for cancer patients/survivors)
- Ruth Broddous & Shelly Martin, Circles of the Heartland (grassroots poverty eradication/prevention)
The winning presenters were Bonnie Barrett and Mary Landes with the YMCA’s new Stay Positive, Keep Fit yoga class. The Sunday class will be offered free of charge at the YMCA to support those undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment. The team took home $540 in charitable donations from Konza Seeds attendees.
As host organization Konza Club Salina will assess whether to make Konza Seeds an annual event. The group welcomes those interested in leadership development to attend its quarterly network-and-learn events (next one on Wednesday, July 29 12n at KWU), the Read It, Lead It! Book Club gatherings (Thursday, May 7 at 12n at the SHRC Cafeteria) or its 30-minute “Coffee & Competencies” breakfast gatherings held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 a.m. at Corky’s Diner downtown.
Konza Club Salina is affiliated with the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Salina program and the Wichita-based Kansas Leadership Center.