Four Salina men accused in the shooting death of a 17-year-old Salina South High School student appeared in court Monday morning. 22-year-old Macio Palacio, 19-year-old Jerome Forbes, 19-year-old Daniel Sims, and 18-year-old Stephen Gentry all appeared in Saline County District Court in person for the first time. Each is facing charges that included 1st degree murder.
Court officials tell KSAL News that Palacio wept during the proceeding, which included the reading of charges against them, and the scheduling of a preliminary examination for each. It has been scheduled for July 9th.
Two other people are also charged in the case.
- 21-year-old Azucena Garcia-Fernizais is facing a single count of obstruction.
- 17-year-old Andrew Woodring is facing felony charges that include 1st degree murder.
The Saline County Attorney’s Office has started the process to try Woodring as an adult.
The case stems from the May 6th shooting death of 17-year-old Allie Saum. She was shot and killed in what police said was a case of mistaken identity. The shooting was prompted by a fight earlier in the evening. A group of people went out to seek revenge. One of them mistakenly identified a male in a pickup that was driving by as being involved in the fight. Shots were fired at the truck. Saum was also in the truck, and was hit in the head.
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