Luke and Leia 331
Daisy and Duke 270
Pebbles and Bam-Bam 251
Bonnie and Clyde 211
Agayu and Yemaja 152
The birth of addax twins is a rare occurrence and to date there have been less than three or four recorded births with only one of the twins in each pair surviving beyond their first year. That their mother, Aamira, who is a very attentive and protective mother, is successfully raising both twins naturally makes this birth even more rare and significant.
While the Zoo continues to check the birth records for addax, this may be the only instance of a mother addax successfully raising both twins without human assistance.
The addax is also known as the white antelope or the “screwhorn” antelope and is native to the Sahara desert. The addax is a critically endangered species of antelope.
The addax at the Rolling Hills Zoo are members of an organized nation-wide effort to preserve the species that is administered by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. This program is one of over 30 such programs in which the animals at the Zoo participate in annually.]]>