391 soil borings
364 temporary monitoring wells installed
68 permanent monitoring wells installed
239 soil samples tested
1,168 groundwater samples tested
249 vapor samples tested
3 aquifer tests
The most significant thing the investigation has revealed is that while the contamination is not really moving or spreading to a great degree, it has sunk lower and deeper than anticipated. In one area, it has moved down into the bedrock. Officials from Dragun said that seeping into the bedrock is “significant”, because it is more difficult to clean up.
Officials have determined that in the area where the contamination has sunk the deepest the air force had been using 8,000 gallons of TCE a month.
Other major findings include:
- Delineating 11 groundwater plumes
- Pinpointed sources of most plumes
- Groundwater impact
- Vapor – no concentrations require immediate action
Officials said that there is no imminent threat of the contamination getting into the city water supply.
Dragun’s remedial investigation, which began in June of 2014, was scheduled to take 5 years. Officials indicated Friday that it will probably be completed sooner though, in 3.5 years.
The next phase of investigation work will begin in November, and last through the end of the year.
Once the remedial investigation is complete, Dragun will put together a corrective action plan on how to cleanup the contamination.]]>