Armstrong’s Honduran Mission

Salinans will gather Sunday evening to lend their talent and to send their treasure to help a mission that reaches out to those in need in Honduras.

Fellow Man International Board Member, Marshall Stanton joined in on the KSAL Morning News Friday with a preview of an Evening with Lisa Armstrong at the First United Methodist Church.

Armstrong, a former surgical nurse from Salina will share her story about how she traveled to northern Honduras in 1998 for a two-week missions trip and decided to stay.

Fellow Man International was born from that commitment to help families in three areas of need; Heath Care, Education and Agriculture.

Sunday’s event will feature musical performances, a silent auction and dessert and coffee.

Armstrong is now a hospital administrator in Chanute, Kansas and travels to Honduras several times a year.

An Evening with Fellow Man International and Lisa Armstrong is Sunday, November 15th at 6pm, First United Methodist Church, 122 N 8th Street.