Did North American Indians live in harmony with their environment or exploit it?
Dr. Bonnie Sherow from Kansas State University will lead a discussion tonight at KWU with a focus on how they viewed their world.
Dr. Sherow told listeners on the KSAL Morning News that long before European exploration took place, Native Americans were thriving in a number of cultures – with some consuming their rescoures to the brink – and others stretching into agriculture and conservation.
With a focus on what’s fact and fiction, Dr Sherow will present her research on stereotypes held by non-Indians and what relationship Native Americans had with their environment.
The free presentation is hosted by the Smoky Hills Audubon Society on the campus of Kansas Wesleyan University, Peters Science Hall, Room #229.
The gathering begins at 7pm with Dr. Sherow’s program slated for 7:30pm.
Dr. Bonnie Sherow is an Environmental and Agricultural Historian of North America and the Executive Director of the Chapman Center for Rural Studies at Kansas State University.