A report for the Kansas Board of Regents says a total of 815 students who don’t meet minimum admission requirements are enrolled in the state’s universities.
The report says the exceptions to the standards made up between a fraction of 1 percent up to 7 percent of each university’s 2014-2015 in-state freshman class. The exceptions comprised between 1 percent and 10 percent of universities’ out-of-state freshmen admissions.
The annual report on admissions is forwarded to the Kansas Legislature.
Wichita State had the lowest percentage of exceptions, with two-tenths of a percent of in-state freshmen and 1 percent of out-of-state freshman. Fort Hays State University had the highest rate, with 6.9 percent of in-state freshmen and 9.7 percent of out-of-state freshmen.
Associated Press information from: Lawrence Journal-World