March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and Linda Hinnenkamp with the Tammy Walker Cancer Center joined in on the KSAL Morning News Wednesday with a look at a prevention plan.
“Colon cancer is the number two cause of cancer death in the United States,” Hinnenkamp said.
“And 90-percent of the time it’s beatable when caught early enough.”
According to Colon Cancer Alliance, one in twenty people will develop the disease during their lifetime. Colon cancer also affects men and women equally.
Hinnenkamp added that the number 1 symptom – is no symptom, “So don’t wait to talk to your doctor,” she said.
Hinnenkamp urged those who have a history of colon cancer in the family to come in before they reach 50.
This month, there are free screening kits that check for hidden or microscopic blood in the stool which may be an indicator of polyps or colon cancer.
Free take home kits are available during the month of March at the Tammy Walker Cancer Center, 511 S. Santa Fe Ave.