A former student body president of a small Christian college in Kansas who escaped capture in a killing for more than two decades is about to be freed.
The Kansas City Star reports that 56-year-old Mark Mangelsdorf, of Pelham, New York, has served 10 years in a Kansas prison for the fatal beating of 25-year-old David Harmon. He is scheduled to be released Saturday.
Harmon’s wife, Melinda Raisch, worked at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe while Mangelsdorf was a student there. Prosecutors claimed Mangelsdorf and Raisch were romantically involved and conspired to kill Harmon.
Before his arrest, Mangelsdorf got married and moved to New York, where he worked as a marketing executive. Raisch moved to Ohio before she was convicted in the killing. She was paroled last year.