What started as a conversation between a couple of like-minded friends has turned into a Salina ministry aimed at equipping men to mentor other men.
“We are a part of some men’s ministry in different churches around town and we got together and started saying what’s working what’s not working,” said Todd Just Executive Director of Good Soil Ministries.
Just joined in on the KSAL Morning News Tuesday and explained those discussions led to a couple of discoveries; “We’ve got a lot of young men who are growing up in our churches – and outside our churches and they’re seeking some spiritual guidance. So you’ve got this need,” he said.
“And then you’ve got a group of guys sitting in our churches who are gold. They have a lot of wisdom and experience, but for whatever reason there is kind of this thought that, ‘Well I’m too old or I’m past my prime.'”
According to Just, the mission now is to train and connect mentors with men who want to grow deeper in their walk with Christ.
Just added that Good Soil Ministries of Salina has grown from those conversations to a full-blown website and outreach to men who fill both sides of the equation.
“We want to partner with churches so we invite pastors or any guys who are in your church that are kind of your men’s ministry leaders to come out on Monday, August 1st.”
The event begins at 7pm at the City Teen Center located at 129 N. 7th Street.
Learn more online at GoodSoilMen.com