Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina is on a mission: to find 100 Bigs in 100 Days for children who need a mentor.
“Our most important job is to make sure that we keep these kids safe and find good quality mentors,” said Michelle Peck, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina.
Peck stopped by the KSAL Morning News Thursday with a look their most aggressive plan to find adults who can impact children’s lives by making a year-long commitment to help a child.
“They’ve had people in and out of their lives – sometimes it is hard to trust other people and we need somebody who will be consistent, that will be willing to meet with them on a regular basis a couple times a month,” she said.
Peck says the challenge began back on July 1st and will wrap up October 8th, but the time for action is now.
“I am sick of the waiting list. I am sick of us talking about the waiting list and said, ‘You know what let’s do it. We need one hundred volunteers in one hundred days.'”
Peck added the process, which includes a background check is easy to get underway by stopping by their offices at 500 E. Kenwood Park Drive or online at