The Class of 2029 will begin their education journey on Thursday morning in Salina – in an All-Day Kindergarten classroom.
“It’s going to be so exciting, seeing all those kindergarten kids actually come and stay for lunch and stay for the entire day,” said Superintendent Bill Hall.
“Research absolutely supports the need for All-Day K and absolutely supports the fact that those kids will be much more prepared as they enter first grade.”
Back in April of 2014, voters passed a $110.7 million dollar bond issue to upgrade USD 305 buildings, and add four new kindergarten classrooms and extra staff to make the transition to a full day environment for Salina’s youngest students.
All-Day Kindergarten classes will be held at Coronado, Cottonwood, Grace E. Stewart, Heusner, Meadowlark, Oakdale, Schilling and Sunset beginning Thursday, August 11th at 8:30am to 3:25pm.
August 11th is the first day of school for K through 5, and grades 6 and 9.
Friday, August 12th all grade levels attend.
Hall joined in on the KSAL Morning News Wednesday and pointed out that construction has been safe and steady, “This school year we’ll finish up everything except the two high schools,” he said.
“And those are scheduled for spring and summer of 2018.”