KWU Fine Arts Events on Agenda

Fine Arts students at Kansas Wesleyan University will showcase their talents in multiple upcoming events.

October 31 | Radio Drama, “Sorry, Wrong Number” by Lucille Fletcher | Free
The KWU Media Performance Class will present its annual Halloween Radio Drama on October 31 at 7 p.m. at Ad Astra Books and Coffee House. “Sorry, Wrong Number” is a psychological thriller, written by Lucille Fletcher. It was written in 1943, and has been called “the greatest single radio script ever written” by Orson Welles. It was performed a total of seven times between 1943 and 1960, and the original broadcast has been entered into the Library of Congress. The performance will also be carried live on The event is free for everyone.

November 7–December 14 | “Material Communion” | Free
First Friday Reception, December 2, 5–7 p.m.
The artist, Grace Peterson will be present at the reception to discuss her work.
“Material Communion” is an exhibit that features the artwork of Grace Peterson, created in the past several years, containing symbols and patterns that Peterson has developed over decades. Through various mediums, images and processes, the artist communicates the stories of herself and her life through her visual diary.
Peterson is the Visual Arts Coordinator for Salina Arts and Humanities. Peterson holds a BFA with an emphasis in sculpture from the University of Kansas and an Applied Arts degree from Johnson County Community College. She coordinates all visual art at the Smoky Hill River Festival’s two juried art shows, Art Demo area, Artists-In-Action Installations and the Art Patron Program. She also administrates the Community Art and Design program and oversees the committee as well as serves as a public resource for local artists and arts organizations.
Admission is free. Refreshments will be served.

November 15 | Band/Orchestra Fall Concert | Free
Under the direction of Sarah Bernard-Stevens and Dr. Jesse Henkensiefken, the Kansas Wesleyan University Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestra will present their fall concert Tuesday, November 15, in Sams Chapel at Kansas Wesleyan University. They will perform a variety of pieces.
Admission is free. Refreshments will be served following the concert.

November 21 | Jazz Band/Percussion Ensemble Fall Concert | Free
Under the direction of Andy Newbegin and Dean Kranzler, the Kansas Wesleyan University Jazz Band and Percussion Ensemble will present their fall concert Monday, November 21, in Sams Chapel at Kansas Wesleyan University.
Admission is free. Refreshments will be served following the concert.