The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is putting together plans for work and repair at Tuttle Creek, including the area damaged by the formation of a sinkhole in 2015.
According to the corps, The project is in the final design stage but is not yet scheduled or funded. Once construction is scheduled, those dates will be announced and it is anticipated to take 18-24 months to complete the project.
A sinkhole developed July 9, 2015 due to the failure of a back wall drainage system made up of corrugated metal pipe laterals behind the stilling basin walls. The system is in place to equalize pressures behind the stilling basin walls during high releases of flood water from the lake. Sinkholes developed on both sides of the basin in 1987 and a filter system was added then which also failed during the most recent sinkhole development.
The current design will permanently address the degraded laterals, filter system and will bring the stilling basin up to current engineering design standards. The project will also add anchors and replace a large amount of degraded concrete along the top of the basin walls.
The Corps has increased inspection frequency of the interim repairs to the stilling basin using an underwater remotely operated vehicle until the permanent repairs being designed are completed. The lake currently has full flood control operational capacity and the increased inspections are to insure those flood control operational capabilities are maintained.
Once construction begins, it will result in the complete closure of the stilling basin area to all uses. This area is a popular fishing location and also serves the west entrance to the Riverpond State Park and Outlet Park, Shelter #3 and #4 facilities. This project will not affect the eastern access to the Riverpond State Park Area off of the dam or affect any federal or state highway or county roads.
The project will affect the annual Country Stampede’s normal traffic patterns during construction.