Chef Bill Fekas grew up in Athens, Greece – but loves Christmas in America.
Fekas stopped by the KSAL Morning News with a look at the upcoming 34rd Annual Fekas Family Christmas Dinner.
“Growing up we ate so many delicious things wrapped in grape leaves and sauce, like a delicious lemon sauce,” he said.
Now the cook who loves to share his Christmas with thousands of Salinans is asking for help.
Fekas told listeners on Tuesday morning that cash donations from some businesses and groups around the area have come and gone – and that donations are needed to keep the tradition going.
The annual gathering has grown from serving about 30 people in 1982 – to over 4,300 in 2015
Those who want to send a check, mail it to : Bill Fekas Family Christmas Dinner, PO Box 2173 Salina Kansas 67401.
The Bill Fekas Family Christmas Dinner is at the 4-H Building in Salina on Christmas Day from11am to 2pm.