Prescription For Fishing Fever

Summertime colds can be good-time killers, but there’s another kind of summer fever that’s sure to be a good-time creator: fishing fever. Whether you’ve never been fishing before, are looking to brush up your skills, or just want a fun, family-friendly event to take your kids to, the Aquatic Education calendar at has your prescription for fishing fever. Simply visit and click “Special Fishing Programs For You,” then “Aquatic Education Information.” The calendar will be on the right-hand side and there you’ll find fishing events nearly every weekend throughout the season, starting in May.

Here are just a few you won’t want to miss:

-May 20: Staff at Great Plains Nature Center, 6232 East 29th St N, Wichita, will be hosting their annual fishing clinic and Walk With Wildlife event open to the public.

-June 3 and 4: “Free Fishing Weekend” throughout the state. During this event, you can fish any public waters without a fishing license.

June 3: “Fishing With a Cop” The event rolls out its third edition at Lakewood Park in Salina

-June 10: Family Outdoor Adventure Day at Cabela’s, Kansas City. Several outdoor organizations including Fishing’s Future will be available for fishing activities and outdoor recreation education.

KDWPT, in partnership with Fishing’s Future, coordinates and conducts over 175 fishing education events every year through the FishKS program ­– that’s in addition to the many private and non-profit organizations who host events with FishKS, too.

If you would like to invite FishKS to be part of your fishing or aquatic education event, please contact David Breth at (620) 672-5911. Demand is high, so attendance can’t be guaranteed, but FishKS staff will do their best to assist in any way possible.

For more information on aquatic education events and how you can help, visit and click “Special Fishing Programs For You,” then “Aquatic Education Information.”]