What shapes a man into a leader – with the mettle to orchestrate the invasion that saved Europe from Nazi tyranny?
Where is the well of wisdom and grace to win the White House?
A group of Kansans believe the answers lie here in the heartland and can be touched by generations to come at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene.
“We get calls and notes weekly from people saying we need another Ike,” said Merideth Sleichter, Executive Director of the Eisenhower Foundation.
“Because he was such a fantastic leader, someone who was really bipartisan, someone who was able to bring both parties together and come to agreement on things. It was a fantastic time.”
Sleichter joined in the KSAL Morning News Friday with a look at an effort to raise $400,000 to launch a major effort to renovate the museum.
“We are just $20,000 away from reaching this goal,” she said.
If the effort reaches the challenge by June 6th, the Holm family of Abilene will counter with a pledge of $100,000 to help build The Heart of America exhibit.
The main thrust would be to design an exhibit that teaches the Midwestern values that guided Eisenhower from a farm boy to one of the greatest leaders in American history.
Sleichter added that all Kansans can learn more by visiting WeLikeAbilene.com and donate before June 6th.