State Finds County Appraisals on Target

After the County appraises property values, the State monitors the actual sales prices of residential and commercial properties.  County Appraiser Sean Robertson told Saline County Commissioners that both the “ratio” and “coefficients of dispersion” from the county’s 2016 valuations were within the State’s targets.

Robertson said the “ratio” looks at how well the assessed valuation is predictive of what the property sells for, and this is expressed as a percentage, with the ideal as being 100%, and values between 90-110% as being acceptable.  For the 247 residential sales in Saline County in 2016, the ratio was 98.8%; for the 29 commercial property sales, the ratio was 98.7%.

Then, the State looks at the “coefficients of dispersion” (COD) to see how uniformly—or tightly grouped—the actual prices were to the assessed valuation.  For example, if three properties were each assessed as being worth $100,000 and they sold for $94,000, $98,000, and $108,000, these properties would have a lower COD than a similar set of three properties also assessed as being worth $100,000 that then sold for $80,000, $100,000 and $120,000.  The State’s goal is to have a value of 20 or below.  The 247 residential properties had a COD of 13.7 while the 29 commercial properties had a COD of 25.2.  Robertson explained that the 25.2 value was within a “confidence interval” that the State also considers.

Robertson said his department has “done a very good job of estimating values” but noted that “some work is needed on the commercial side”.  When asked, Robertson noted that approximately 20 counties will have to take significant steps to comply with State requirements.


DVACK Seeks Medical Care for Those Impacted by Domestic Violence and Strangulation

When an individual is raped, it is mandatory that they receive a free forensic examination by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and the County pays for that exam.  However, when the Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas serves victims of domestic violence and strangulation, these victims often will not go to hospital for a forensic exam because they do not have money or health insurance.  DVACK’s Courtney Train asked that the county extend this service to domestic violence victims as well.

Deister responded that the “County is required by law to pay for fees chargeable for conducting sexual assault exams” and that the County “budgets accordingly.  She referred Train to County Attorney Ellen Mitchell’s office to see if victim assistance funds are available.  Deister left open the possibility of DVACK making a request to the County Commission, but noted that the 2018 budget had just been approved.

In Other Matters

  • Commissioners proclaimed Monday, September 4th as Labor Day. The Salina Area Worker’s Coalition will appear on KSAL’s Friendly Fire on Friday, September 1st, at 5:05 PM.  SAWC is also hosting a Mother Jones reenactor Betsey Means from Chicago, on Monday, September 4th, at Ad Astra, at 141 N Santa Fe.  The doors will open at 6:00 PM; there will be an open mic until 7:00 when the program begins.  There will be a free will donation.  “Mother” Mary Harris Jones was known as the “most dangerous woman in America” for her work organizing coal strikes and for helping found the International Workers of the World labor union at the turn of the century.
  • Deister has been in contact with City Manager Jason Gage to schedule a follow-up meeting between both the City and County Commissions regarding the fate of the EXPO Center.
  • Recently, the County’s workers compensation insurance provider conducted a “loss prevention analysis” of the EXPO Center and Road and Bridge. Staff have completed the required corrections.
  • Commissioners were given a copy of the Historic Saline County Courthouse / Salina Senior Center that was prepared by Scott Seirer for the building’s centennial in 2010.

The Commission also met in an executive session with Montoya, giving attorney/client privilege as the reason.