Salina emergency responders are preparing to deal with an explosion, as part of a training exercise.
Salina Regional Health Center, in collaboration with Philips Lighting, Salina Police Department, Salina Fire Department, Saline County Sheriff’s Office and Saline County EMS, will be conducting a mass casualty drill on Friday.
The scenario for the drill is an explosion at Philips Lighting.
According to the hospital, the drill will begin at the Philips Lighting facility at 8 a.m. and should end at that facility by 11 a.m. During this time the Salina Fire Department, Salina Police Department, Saline County Sheriff and Saline County EMS will be present at Philips Lighting.
Students at Kansas Wesleyan University will be participating in the drill and students will be in full makeup replicating their injuries. The students will be triaged at Philips Lighting and then transported to Salina Regional Health Center to continue the drill at the hospital.
Salina Regional Health Center conducts mass casualty drills two times per year for accreditation purposes, as well as to train staff should a real disaster occur.