Solid Waste Survey Results Available Online

The City of Salina Public Works Department has published the results of a solid waste survey that was developed to determine the attitudes of residents towards current sanitation services and future options.

The questionnaire was mailed to 15,055 households and provided online. A total of 2,867 households completed the postal survey, and 33 individuals completed the online survey.


  • A vast majority of postal survey respondents (97.2% or 2,733 households) use City of Salina Sanitation services, while 2.4% (or 68 households) use Salina Waste Systems. A majority of online survey respondents (84.8% or 28) use City of Salina Sanitation services, while 9.1% (3) use Salina Waste Systems.
  • A majority of postal survey respondents (69.4% or 1,914 households) report that one 95 gallon cart is sufficient for their needs. About three quarters (75.8% or 25) of online respondents report that one 95 gallon cart is sufficient for their needs.
  • Survey respondents were asked if they feel the city should consider an automated waste collection system. About a third (34.5% or 968 households) of postal survey respondents answered “yes” to this question, while fewer (28.4% or 767) answered “no.” More than a third (37.1% or 1,039) reported that they “do not have a preference.” Regarding online survey respondents, half (50% or 15) report that the city should consider automation, 13.3% (4) report that the city should not, and 36.7% (11) do not have a preference. As such, 86.7% or 25 may be interested in having the city consider an automated system.
  • Respondents were asked about the number of automated system carts they might need. Of postal survey respondents, most (872 or 31.3%) reported that one refuse cart would be necessary. Almost as many (827 or 29.7%) reported that two carts would be necessary – one of refuse and one for yard waste. Of online respondents, many (11 or 36.7%) reported needed two carts – one for refuse and one for recycling. About a quarter (7) of online survey respondents reported needing two carts (one for refuse and one for yard waste) and another quarter (8) reported needing three carts (one for refuse, one for yard waste, and one for recycling).
  • When asked if they would be “very likely,” “somewhat likely,” “somewhat unlikely,” or “very unlikely” to being willing to pay an extra $5 per month for a city-wide recycling program: Many postal survey respondents responded “very unlikely” (45.5% or 1,269 households). On the other hand, about a quarter (24.6% or 686 households) are “very likely” to pay $5 for city-wide recycling. Online survey responses differed with regard to city-wide recycling. Not quite half (46.7% or 14 households) that they would be “very likely” to pay $5 a month for a city-wide recycling service, while 23.3% (7 households) reporting being “very unlikely” to support a $5 recycling fee.
  • Regarding various scenarios regarding an automated waste collection system: Most postal survey respondents (936 or 36.9%) preferred Option 5: “Fully automated refuse collection, fully automated city-wide single stream recycling, yard waste collected in carts with refuse (no composting), special pick-ups for a fee and cart maintenance. Fees = $17.40 per month.” Not quite a quarter of postal survey respondents (23.6% or 599 households) selected Option 4: “Fully automated refuse collection, fully automated city-wide single stream recycling, separate yard waste collection for composting, special pick-ups for a fee and cart maintenance. Fees = $19.50 per month.” About a fifth of postal survey respondents (19% or 483 households) preferred Option 1: “Semi-automated refuse collection, limited subscription recycling for an additional fee, separate yard waste collection for composting, special pick-ups for a fee and cart maintenance. Fees = $17.45 per month (subscription recycling adds $5.40/month for a total monthly service fee of $22.85).” Most online survey respondents (11 or 47.8%) preferred Option 5, while 7 (or 30.4% preferred Option 4.

To view the study, visit  Should you have questions, contact Jim Teutsch, City of Salina Public Works Department Operations Manager, by email at [email protected] or by phone at (785) 309-5750.