Fort Hays State, Salina Tech Partner on New Bachelor Degree Pathways

People across North Central Kansas now have an easier and more affordable way to earn a Bachelor’s Degree.

The presidents of Fort Hays State University and Salina Area Technical College came together Tuesday in Salina to sign an agreement establishing these new pathways.

This new agreement means students can earn an Associate of Applied Science through Salina Tech, and then Fort Hays State will accept all of those credits towards a Bachelor’s Degree from the university.

“This opens the door for folks in Salina and the surrounding communities, or anywhere in the state, really, to take credits here and transfer those credits to Fort Hays State University, to work toward their goal of higher education,” said Salina Tech President Greg Nichols at the signing ceremony.

“Fort Hays is so pleased to have an opportunity to partner with Salina Area Technical College for several reasons,” said Tisa Mason, President of Fort Hays State University. “We believe that President Nichols, and the faculty and the staff here at Salina Tech are leading with vision, ambition and out-of-the-box thinking in ways which are strongly focused on driving workforce needs for now and into the future.”

“Their innovation and focus on student success aligns perfectly with the character and the values of Fort Hays State University,” Mason added. “Together, Salina Tech and Fort Hays State will keep the door of opportunity wide open, with a big welcome mat, and enhance the quality of life for all Kansans.”

This new agreement means students can earn an Associate of Applied Science through Salina Tech, and then Fort Hays State will accept all of those credits towards a Bachelor’s Degree from the university.

The fields included in the agreement are:

General Studies: Students can take up to 45 hours of General Education courses at Salina Tech ‑‑ such as English Composition I and II, College Algebra and World History – before transferring to Fort Hays to earn a Bachelor of General Studies degree.

Criminal Justice: Students will be able to earn an Associate Degree in Salina Tech’s new Police Science program, which also accepts credits from the Kansas Highway Patrol Academy and the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, and then transfer to Fort Hays to earn a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.

Health Studies: Students who earn an Associate of Applied Science in one of Salina Tech’s health care programs, such as Dental Assistant or Medical Assistant, will be able to transfer to Fort Hays to earn a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies.

Technology Leadership: Students who earn an Associate of Applied Science in any of Salina Tech’s technical programs, such as Auto Collision Repair, Machine Tool Technology, Welding or any of the college’s health care fields, will be able to transfer to Fort Hays to earn a Bachelor of Science in Technology Leadership, with a concentration on either Career and Technical Education or Business and Industry.

Whichever pathway students choose, they will have the support of both institutions, including academic advising, the advantage of the low tuition rates offered by both institutions and the convenience of taking many of their classes online.