Salina Schools Ready For Severe Weather Season

The Salina USD 305 School District is committed to keeping students safe. With Kansas spring severe weather season here, the district this week reviewed its safety plan.

School Procedures
If a tornado warning begins during the school day, students and staff will take refuge in the buildings’ storm shelters. Once students and staff relocate to the storm shelters, exterior doors of the school building may be locked and entry into the building is not guaranteed.

When a tornado warning has been announced, the district encourages parents to seek shelter and to wait until after the warning has been lifted before coming to the school.

School Buses
District bus procedures for tornado warnings have been developed to best protect children’s safety. These procedures are on the district website at

Regardless of preparation and communication efforts, when parents are not aware of the procedures, resulting panic can escalate the stress for everyone involved, including the students.

During a tornado warning, when possible, the assistance of television and radio to communicate a basic message for parents and guardians would greatly help to eliminate panic and unnecessary endangerment. The basic message is:

In a tornado warning, students on school buses are taken to the nearest school for safe refuge. Routes will resume when the warning ends.

The bus procedures for tornado warnings have been reviewed by bus drivers and principals.