Fort Riley is ready to celebrate “Victory Week”.
According to the Army, to honor the men and women of the “Big Red One” and its proud 101-year legacy, the 1st Infantry Division will host its annual Victory Week celebration this week Aug. 6-10 at Fort Riley. The public is invited to witness events of camaraderie and remembrance throughout the week.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend Victory Week unit sporting events, which will begin on Aug. 6 with basketball, combatives, football, soccer, softball, volleyball and water “brolo.”
Other sporting events include the Danger Dash and Warrior Competition. Public finals for those sports will be held Aug. 8.
While Victory Week is a time for celebration, it is also a time to honor the lives of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving with the division. The Victory Park Wreath-Laying Ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Aug. 6 at the division’s headquarters building, 580 1st Division Road. Victory Park contains 642 stones bearing the names of those who have died in combat while serving with the 1st Inf. Div. during the Global War on Terrorism.
Victory Week will conclude Aug. 10 with a division review and Victory Cup Ceremony, where the unit that earned the most points competing in qualifying sporting events throughout Victory Week is named the winner.
Please note some recent changes to visitor access to Fort Riley. The Trusted Traveler Pilot Program will go into effect Aug. 5. From 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, most Department of Defense identification cardholders may sponsor non-DoD visitors through any access control point open for non-commercial traffic.
Trusted travelers who present a valid DoD ID card may vouch for seven additional passengers in the vehicle they are operating. All occupants 16 years of age and older will be required to present a government-issued photo ID and will not be vetted further. Escorted visitors under Trusted Traveler do not need an installation pass issued from the Visitor Control Center, but must remain with their escort at all times.
For more information on the Trusted Traveler Program and how to access Fort Riley without a DoD cardholder, visit the yellow “Accessing Fort Riley” button on or call the Directorate of Emergency Services Security Branch at (785) 240-0630.