Kobach’s Lead Cut in Half

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s lead over Gov. Jeff Colyer in the Republican primary has been cut in half.

Because of an election day clerical error, the lead is now 91 votes instead of 191. Election officials discovered the mistake in the listing of Thomas County’s results in the state’s tally of votes.

The final, unofficial results posted on the secretary of state’s website show Kobach winning over Colyer in Thomas County with 466 to 422. But the tally posted by the Thomas County clerk’s office shows Colyer with 522 votes not 422.

Bryan Caskey, state elections director, told the Associated Press said county officials pointed out the discrepancy Thursday following a routine request for a post-election check of the numbers to counties by the secretary of state’s office.

The Thomas County Clerk Shelly said it’s possible that her handwriting on the tally sheet faxed to the secretary of state’s office was bad enough in the rush of primary-night business that the number for Colyer wasn’t clear and it was misread.

Over 311,000 total votes were cast in the election. There are still an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 provisional ballots still to be counted.