Foundation Awards August Grants

During its recent August grant cycle, the Greater Salina Community Foundation awarded $37,760 in grants to 10 area nonprofit organizations. Funding was provided through the foundation’s L.P. “Pat” Mullen Fund and the Kansas Health Foundation Fund for GSCF.

Recipients include:

  • St. Johns Military School, $5,000 to develop a combination makerspace and STEAM lab where cadets in grades six through 12 can explore a variety of STEAM activities through the school’s Explorers Club and in academic classes.
  • Saline County Back to School Fair, $5,000 for the 2019 Saline County Back To School Fair, which provides free backpacks and school supplies to area students who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program.
  • Salina Arts & Humanities Foundation, $5,000 for a scientific arts infusion program, in which artists will work with K-12 students to connect scientific study to artistic practice.
  • Salina Regional Health Foundation, $4,820 to support the building of an inclusive playground for children, which will be designed to promote active participation of children with diverse abilities, needs and interests.
  • Sacred Heart Jr. Sr. High School, $4,000 to implement the EV3 Lego Mindstorms Robot platform into the physics and chemistry curriculum.
  • Salina Community Theatre, $4,000 to provide a free, sensory-friendly performance of “Elf, The Musical” for special needs clients and their families.
  • USD 306 Southeast of Saline, $3,325 to purchase a “walking classroom” kit, which combines learning and character development with health and wellness initiatives by having students listen to podcasts while walking and engaging with peers.
  • Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas, $2,500 to assemble and distribute hygiene and cleaning kits for agency clients to help improve their health and wellness.
  • Saline County Department of Senior Services, $2,315 to purchase one Automated External Defibrillator (AED) device.
  • The Salvation Army, $1,800 to start an indoor archery program for youth ages nine to 17, which will focus on teaching math skills, building character, and growing self-confidence.

Applications for the foundation’s next grant cycle are due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 2018. Over $81,000 is available through the Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, the Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education and Development, the Kansas Health Foundation Fund and the L.P. “Pat” Mullen Fund. Detailed application and fund criteria are available at