Streetscape Work Moves to Walnut Intersection

The Streetscape and waterline work on Santa Fe Avenue is heading north according to the City of Salina, as crews will turn their attention to the Walnut intersection this week.

· Work will begin on the northwest corner of the intersection adjacent to Martinelli’s to remove sidewalk and curbs with a temporary sidewalk being installed.
· Walnut Street westbound will be closed and traffic at Santa Fe will be routed north only.
· Eastbound traffic will be able to continue thru the intersection or turn north on Santa Fe.
· Northbound traffic will continue as is except that no westbound turn will be allowed at the Walnut intersection.
· Santa Fe will remain closed south of Walnut until later next week but southbound traffic will be able to go eastbound at the Walnut intersection.
· Work will continue south of Walnut on the brick areas and planters as well as clean up items.

Storm sewer and waterline work will continue north of Ash to Elm. The traffic signal underground and foundation work is complete at the Ash Street intersection such that the signals from 7th and Iron will soon be moved.