Zoo Event Moving Indoors

At Rolling Hills Zoo, a little rain won’t stop the fall festival fun during Pumpkin PaZOOla on Saturday, October 13th.  With rain in the forecast, Rolling Hills Zoo is moving all of the Pumpkin PaZOOla activities into the Wildlife Museum building this weekend.

During Pumpkin PaZOOla children 12 & under will receive half price admission along with  a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, which has been moved to the Wildlife Museum. If children wear their Halloween costume they will also receive a free gift that day.  Fall festival games and activities, along with a face painting booth, will be located throughout the museum, and Skips concessions will be located outside the museum doors. Join Rolling Hills Zoo for a great time this Saturday during Pumpkin PaZOOla. Located just six miles west of Salina off I-70.

For additional details about Pumpkin PaZOOla and other events at Rolling Hills Zoo, go to: www.rollinghillszoo.org or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.