Fly-In for Flapjacks a Success

Saturday’s Fly-In Breakfast hosted by cadets and senior members of the Smoky Hill Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) was a chance for younger members to use their skills on the airfield and around the griddle.

CAP’s Danny Phillips tells KSAL News that members served around 125 plates of pancakes, eggs and sausages to a handful of pilots who touched down at the airport and to some local families who stopped by to learn about aircraft.

“We figured it would be a good time to take our daughter out, she really likes airplanes and thought it would be nice to show her a few,” said Ashley Howie of Salina.

Ashley Howie answers a string of questions about aircraft from her 2-year-old daughter Madelyn.


The event hosted at the  Shilling Aviation Services hanger, on Rogers Court helped raise money and awareness of the Civil Air Patrol’s mission, to not only lend support in air-search and rescue and disaster relief, but also provide leadership programs and aerospace education.

Captain Bradley Doubrava with the Civil Air Patrol keeps the hotcakes coming on Saturday.


Donations raised will support the activities of the Smoky Hill Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, which is based in Salina. The Civil Air Patrol is the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force.


Cadets practice their flight-line marshalling skills on the runway.