Custom Rolex Ring Stolen

A thief made with a large haul from a vehicle.

Salina Police say  an estimated $7,700 was stolen from Kamell Gibbon’s 2002 Volkswagon Passat.

The morning of Dec. 21st Gibbon was getting ready for work as usual when he noticed some of his things had been tossed around inside.

Most of Gibbon’s property is stored in his vehicle. Gibbon’s search reveled that his $7,500 custom Rolex ring had been stolen. Also missing is a red and black Beat It battery booster pack, valued at $200. A gun box valued at $25, and approximately $4 in change. The total estimated loss is over $7,700

Gibbon mentioned to the Salina Police Department, the driver’s side window of the 2002 Pssat is stuck in the downward position and covered with a plastic trash bag.

There are no suspects at this time, if you have any information please call the Salina Police Department or Crime Stoppers.