The Partners 4 Success program, an initiative of Salina Adult Education Center, is gearing up for Class #11. Information meetings are being held at Catholic Charities, 1500 S. Ninth Street, Thursday, January 10th at 1:00 p.m. or Friday, January 11th at 9:00 a.m. One of the information meetings is required in order to participate in the class. The class fee is $250. If a student cannot afford the fee or have a host agency that will pay it, there may be scholarship opportunities. Students must be 18 or older to participate.
P4S provides the opportunity for class participants to gain exposure and feedback from some of Salina’s top employers and community service providers. Participants receive instruction and practice relevant to life skills that will benefit them in both the home and workplace environment. Participants will also work on vital work place reading and math skills. Program participants build an economic action plan based on life experiences, strengths and needs (education, employment, supports, etc.). SAEC’s goal is to help participants identify the action steps that they need to take in order to continue to grow and sustain economic mobility for the future.
Some of the core community partners involved in the program include Catholic Charities, Community Corrections, Department for Children and Families, Hays Academy of Hair Design, Salina Chamber of Commerce, Consumer Credit Counseling, Circles of the Heartland, Salina Public Library, KSU Extension plus others! Many employers are also involved in the actual class programming providing feedback, work site tours and at times interviewing students. Employers include USD 305, Schwans, Great Plains, Grainbelt, Crestwood, Accessible Home Health, Salina Regional Health Center, Holiday Resort, the City of Salina, Saline County and more.
Partners 4 Success brings together education, industry, community agencies and the student to forge a strong workforce and thriving community. Kelly Mobray, Director of Adult Education, believes that Partners continues to strengthen and thrive because more and more community people, agencies and employers come on board to support those working on goals to be able to hold quality employment and balance life challenges at the same time. The Salina community has great synergy around that kind of support. Families striving to improve their lives are more successful when a community stands beside them.