Give Back Kansas Challenge to Launch

Kansas employers are invited to register for the inaugural Give Back Kansas Challenge and encourage employees to participate in community volunteering.

According to the Kansas Volunteer Commission, the eight-week challenge will run from April 1 through May 31, 2019, with registration closing March 22 at

The Give Back Kansas Challenge is an opportunity for employees who volunteer to receive recognition by tracking and reporting their hours, as well as for employees that may be first-time volunteers to try something new that could help them develop additional skills or enthusiasm for their work.

There is no cost to participate, and the challenge is open to any employer in Kansas (for profit, nonprofit and government). Employers register in advance to participate, and volunteer hours are reported through an online portal by the employer’s self-designated point of contact.

Based on the number of entries received and company size, employers will be divided into three categories (large, medium and small). Winners will be selected by determining the average number of volunteer hours per employee completed during the challenge period. Employers achieving the highest average in each size category will have a $1,000 donation made on their behalf by Volunteer Kansas to the charity of their choice.