Free Colon Cancer Screening Kits Available

Statistics say colon cancer is the third-most common cancer found in both men and women. But fortunately colon cancer found early is often highly curable.

In recognition of national Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March, 800 free colon cancer screening kits are being made available to anyone age 50 to 75. The screening is recommended for those who have not had a recent colonoscopy. The kits can be picked up at all Salina and Lindsborg pharmacies, the Tammy Walker Cancer Center and Salina Family Healthcare Center while supplies last. The screening is underwritten by a grant from the Salina Charities League.

The fecal blood tests require only one sample and have no food or drug restrictions. The samples can then be mailed to Salina Regional Health Center for lab analysis via a pre-paid postage envelope provided. To save money on postage, participants also are welcome to return the tests in person to the Tammy Walker Cancer Center, 511 S. Santa Fe Ave. Results of the test will be mailed to both the patient and their primary care physician. Participants in the screening should return their samples for analysis by May 15.

Health officials recommend all men and women have a colonoscopy at age 50 to screen for colon cancer. Between colonoscopies patients can screen with a fecal blood test. Other tests may also be recommended by your physician. Those with a family history of the disease should consider screening at a younger age.

For more information about the free colon cancer screening kits contact Linda Hinnenkamp, cancer outreach nurse at the Tammy Walker Cancer Center, by calling (785) 452-4848.